age Discrimination and Youth Unemployment

age Discrimination and Youth Unemployment

While other countries experience ageism with older folks, Nigeria has a unique case, with age discrimination affecting its youth. With age limits for entry level jobs at an average of 26 years, some instances report age criteria as low as 23 years. The effects on...
Stop Age Discrimination

Stop Age Discrimination

So yesterday, I was asked, ‘will you hire a 40 year old for an entry level role?’ Response: Yes, I have done it before. He wasn’t just over 40, he dropped out of university, so no degree. Age discrimination is exclusion. It goes against our ethos as...
Be Kind Anyway

Be Kind Anyway

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be...
Change Nothing, Nothing Changes

Change Nothing, Nothing Changes

If you want something you have never had before, you have to do something you have never done before. Change nothing, and nothing changes.If you keep doing the same things you will keep getting the same results. Everything you want, is on the other side of fear.Fear...