by adora | Mar 24, 2020 | General, Office Challenges
I was asked to advise… It’s tempting to just delve into the advise but I believe context will help deepen understanding, which is necessary for empathy. ******* So, last Friday, as I stepped out of a client’s office, I saw a professional collegue on...
by Adora Ikwuemesi | Jun 20, 2019 | General, Office Challenges
Most people around us want something from us. A lot of relationships are centered around selfish reasons. I do not believe most set out with ill intentions towards us, BUT, they are for themselves. So-called friends, because of their current needs that you fulfill;...
by Adora Ikwuemesi | Mar 15, 2019 | Office Challenges, Women, women discrimination
Women should always have the choice to determine what they can or cannot do. No one should ever dictate the capability of a female based on her gender. Can she work late hours or weekends? Ask her. Can she travel often for work? Ask her. Can she manage physically...
by adora | Dec 21, 2018 | General, Office Challenges
Still using the word passionate loosely? Think again. Never use the word passion if you are not prepared to die. Passion is Sacrifice; Passion is Costly, Passion Kills. Passion is a Do or Die. Passion is what you Do before you Die. Passion is what you devote your time...
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