My Wish for You

My Wish for You

My wish for you is simple, and I hope you realise; That your prayers will be answered. That your present situation is not your final destination. That this too shall pass. That tough times don’t last. That it won’t matter in five years time. That you...
Lessons in Recruitment and Selection (Part 2)

Lessons in Recruitment and Selection (Part 2)

5. Major insight from the interviews. For the most part, the candidates that scored higher in the aptitude tests did better in the interviews. Aptitude tests are valid and reliable. The recruitment yield ratio which shows the ratio of applications required to...
Lessons in Recruitment and Selection (Part 2)


We just screened over a thousand applications for a client firm and I want to share some useful tips that can benefit recruiters and candidates alike. 1. It was sad to see some applicants disqualified from the very beginning due to wrongly inputing their email...
My Word for the Year

My Word for the Year

🎉🎉📣I must confess I can be a little slower than others in booting, especially when I am in a reflective state. It amazes me how much people celebrate new year. I noticed the fireworks were on all night and I don’t recall the same level of celebration for...