Dream Team or Family?

by | Sep 19, 2024 | General | 0 comments

If there is one thing to admire about Netflix, it is the clarity on their core values.

While they believe in decency and respect, they make it clear that they are not a family. Thus, no promises of unconditional love or staying together forever. Instead, they operate as a Dream Team where every member is expected to contribute at the highest level, bringing their A-Game, caring intensely about their team and understanding they may not be on the team forever.

To ensure they have the right player at every position, Netflix challenges its managers with a tough task: the “Keeper Test.”
Managers are asked to reflect on their teams and answer two critical questions:
1. If person X wanted to leave, would you fight to keep them?”
2. Knowing everything you know today about person X, would you hire them again?”
If the answer to either question is “no”
Netflix believes it is fair for everyone to part ways quickly.
It’s a bold approach to building a team, it ensures only the best stay onboard, constantly pushing boundaries and raising the bar for success.
As someone who has idealised a dream team, I wonder the long term implications on culture and performance?
How would your team stack up on the Keeper Test?
Is everyone on your team driving the company forward?
Do share your thoughts?

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