My Unfiltered Thoughts

by | Nov 2, 2024 | General | 0 comments

Thought 1.
I wish life had a pause button, I would use it often. Like taking a deep breath but this time every activity will halt while I catch my breath.
2024 has been and still is a roller coaster. It did not start well at all. I am praying it will end well, though it is not well right now. Nonetheless, it can always be worse, so, I remain grateful and optimistic of brighter days ahead.
Thought 2.
It is funny how other people especially employees think they are the only ones with mental health issues, needing wellbeing breaks. To them, every behaviour that is not happy vibes is toxic. Please, get over yourself. Everyone is dealing with something, many times, people are projecting.
If we did an honest poll, I can bet you most business leaders dread going to work just as much or much more than their team members. For so many years I did, and still do.
Thought 3.
I liken entrepreneurship to those gladiator arenas, where you are repeatedly kicked in the gut…over and over, and yet somehow you are able to pick yourself up, despite feeling like s**t most days. I mean, there must be a special ward for entrepreneurs in mental health clinics.
It is no surprise being a entrepreneur is the road less travelled.
For the 2%, it is a life of vulnerability and courage. You are constantly under undue pressure. Carrying emotional and financial responsibilities. Under cross examination from critics who have never walked a day in your shoes. If it is not the economy making your efforts seem like child’s play, it is the government pricking you with harsh policies that stifle your business, or grumbling employees complaining despite your best efforts, or professional colleagues relegating your acquaintance, thinking you are their mercy because you are a consultant, you must be calling them for a job.
It is a tough enough path to tow. A part of me has accepted it as a cross to carry, but experiencing grief just adds a different dimension…a whole new level of emotional turmoil. And you still have to function in the morning?
Thought 4.
Many times I wonder how I show up everyday. Honestly, it is a f***ng miracle (and I never swear).
And no, today is not one of those days, it is a day like most days.
Thought 5.
The best thing in life though…my family. No matter how sh*tty I feel, they make it worth it.
Thank you for reading, now bugger off to sort out your own sh*tty issues😀.
ps:Just me, a highly functional, but sometimes sh*tty feeling person showing up.

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