Chanage Your Attitude, Change Your Life!

by | Jan 11, 2024 | General | 0 comments

There’s an attitude holding many people from progressing. There are actually 2 of them. In no particular order:

1. Ingratitude
2. Entitlement

Some people cannot appreciate, no matter what they have or receive. A half full glass is always half empty. They cannot appreciate the countless blessings and gifts surrounding them daily. They criticise their lot. In the workplace, they complain and are quick to point out what is not going well. They poke holes at everything; management style, colleagues, policies etc. At home, they grumble at their relationships, spouses, family members. Nothing is ever good enough. They only see what is not.

The problem with ingratitude is you inadvertently never have. It is a self fulfilling prophesy. Someone who does not value anything, has nothing.

On entitlement; adults are not entitled to anyone else’s time, money or support. Quite frankly, the only people that owe you anything are people you transact with. No one else owes you a thing.

Get over yourself. Your ego is not serving you. Get rid of it.

The world does not revolve around you or your problems. Reality check.

Everyone has their challenges and problems, including people you look up to.

Reframe your beliefs about people you seek help from, imagine their responsibilities, wonder about their lives beyond what you can see or idealise.

Someone did not return your call? Think how many missed calls they get.

Someone did not respond to your message, think about the 100s of messages they are inundated with.

Someone did not support you financially or emotionally? Think about the financial, physical and mental health challenges they may be facing. The rapper Biggie aptly sang, “mo’ money, mo’ problems.”

The last thing you should have is expectations of anyone especially if they are not your nuclear family. Rid yourself of entitlement mentality. You cannot plan with other people’s money or time. Keep grumbling and watch how fast people around you disperse and your situation gets worse.

Put your trust in no man, rather in God that never fails.

Expect not, disappoint not!

Ready to forge ahead? Want to experience abundance and favour? Get rid of ingratitude and entitlement.

Embrace gratitude, appreciate people and life’s gifts and watch people fall over to support you.

Change your attitude, change your life!

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