Stop Hoping to Be Noticed, Start Connecting

by | Oct 18, 2023 | career | 0 comments

Unfortunately, when you become an adult, the world is not as kind. What you could get away with as a child, you cannot as an adult. Behaviours once described as ‘shy’ and ‘quiet’ are replaced with words and phrases such as ‘timid’ and ‘poor interpersonal skills.’

You see, as sad as it seems, if people have to explain your behaviour to others, you are more likely to be misunderstood and seen as difficult to work with or likely to underperform.

If you are lucky, someone may diagnose you as an introvert. However, personality is a disposition and should not be confused with underdeveloped professional competencies.

Sure, an extrovert is more likely to introduce themselves to a stranger at an event, however all professionals and managerial level people should understand the importance of relationships and make the most use of networking opportunities.

Some of the best networkers I know are introvert. They never fail to follow up and keep in touch regularly. Keeping in touch need not be a visit or a phone call but a subtle nudge via text or whatsapp.

Too many people are overlooked due to underdeveloped interpersonal skills. From being passed on for promotions and losing job opportunities by interviewing poorly.

Your network capital is vital to your personal and career success.

Many people realise late, the importance of building internal and external networks.

Effective networking is an essential professional competence. The same way relationship management and effective communication are important skills.

Beyond your technical skills, your people skills are the game changer.

Anything of significance that will happen to you will be through an already established relationship.

The great news is that interpersonal skills can be learned.

Rather than leaving it to chance and hoping someone will come up to you, take charge and set out to meet new people and nurture existing relationships.

Next time you attend an event, be intentional. Give yourself a goal of exchanging numbers with at least 5 people, maybe even 10.

Do yourself a favour. Develop your interpersonal skills.

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