One Year From Now, You Will Wish You Started Today

by | Nov 24, 2023 | career | 0 comments

You are 25 years old, you should have a decent job by now but you haven’t…

You are pushing 30 years old, most of your friends are married, but you aren’t.

You are 35 years old, you think it is all over. You should be earning good money by now, but you aren’t.

You are 40 years old, you should be senior management by now, but you aren’t.

You are 50 years old, you should not be working for anyone by now, but you still are.

You are 60 years old, you should be comfortably living on your pension but you aren’t. You still have bills to pay.

You always wanted to start a business, you haven’t yet.

You always wanted to take that course, but you haven’t

You always wanted to travel, you haven’t, yet.

You always wanted to a master’s degree, you haven’t, yet.

Now, it will take too long.

So you think?


Not so.

One missed goal is what it is, one missed goal. It is not a life sentence.

All your ducks will never be in a row. There’s no perfect timing.

How you start, does not always predict how you end.

You can be crappy today and blossom tomorrow.

It can turn around today.

You become what you repeatedly do.

Change your actions to change your results.

Insanity they say, is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

Find your life patterns. Examine your life data, look for trends. When do you succeed and when do you fail?

Spend more time in circumstances that help you succeed.

Next year, regardless of what you do with your life, you will still be 1 year older. So, do what you need to do today.

Else, 1 year from now, you will wish you started today…

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