Master Skills, Not Just Degrees

by | Jun 24, 2024 | Talent Mangement, Upskilling | 0 comments

So, let’s face it, a degree is no longer as valuable today. 30 years ago, we were certain a degree gave you an edge economically, but today, can we really say it does?

Nothing wrong with educational pursuits. Just be very clear on the return on investment. It should be more than ticking the box.

What good is any degree if it doesn’t provide you opportunities to earn a decent living upon graduation? And what if you end up with debt after it?

Three to five dedicated years required for a degree is enough time to gain expertise in many fields. Looks like we should be rethinking education and what the purpose of post secondary school should be? If people are going to be in school for four years, then they should graduate with expertise. It is more than enough time to conclude an apprenticeship.

Times have changed. The era is different. The needs are different. What got you a decent job in 1990s, can’t get you much in 2020s.

In Nigeria, a lot of entry level jobs can’t match the salaries of househelps and drivers in Lekki where salaries average 70k and 100k including accommodation and feeding.

So, what then is valuable today? What should graduates be focussed on? You guessed right, SKILLS.

I have said it before and I will say it again.

If you are job seeking, you are not in the job market, you are in the skills market. You are being assessed against the skills in the market.

What skills are best to gain? Scarce skills. In demand skills. Scan the market, search LinkedIn and see what skills are sought after. It is simple demand and supply. If you can do what everyone does, your price will drop. I wanted to say you will be priced like tomatoes but even tomato has left that conversation.

So, what next?

Master an area, learn it well for 3 years, maybe less, put in 1000 hours. Eat, drink and sleep it. Be deep not broad. Focus.

You may not need a degree to excel in the 2020s. It’s no guarantee of decent work.

But what hasn’t changed is grit, dedication and focus needed to succeed in any endeavour. The work must be done and the hours must be put in.

Prepare for the skills market, the job market is closed.

And, when should you start?

Well, the next best time is today. Delay is dangerous. The best decisions to skill up are taken instantly.

Decide now. Think later.

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