Celebrating the Success of the 11th HR Bootcamp Conference

by | Dec 15, 2023 | HR Bootcamp | 0 comments

When it started raining on Tuesday morning, I thought to myself how could this be happening. It had been dry for the last few weeks and on the day of the 11th HR Bootcamp conference, it decides to rain.

Now rain should not typically be a problem but it is a big one in Lagos. When it rains, everything is disrupted. Traffic delays are horrendous, I remember spending 5 hours on an ordinarily 20 minute journey. Power cuts kick in shortly after in heavy rain. The internet stops working or the connection deteriorates.

So, when I heard the sound of heavy rain, I initially thought, why today of all days. Then I quickly retorted, it must be showers of blessings. It had to be. A day that the Lord made could only be destined for blessings and rejoicing.

I quit panicking and was rest assured.

Anyway, I just want to show gratitude to God and give thanks to everyone who supported in small, medium or great ways the 11thhrbootcampconference

I learned that anything of significance in this life happens with or through people.

I value relationships because I am clear they are life’s support system. If you pray to God for help, your solution will often be delivered by a person’s support.

Angels in human form.

Great relationships amplify everything and I look forward to continued partnerships 🫱🏽‍🫲🏿and collaboration all days and all ways.

May we all find help in abundance when we need it. As you have watered, may you also be watered.

Be indeed like a tree planted by rivers of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaves do not wither— whatever you do prospers.

The 11th HR bootcamp conference came to pass and I am just glad it was of value. God bless you all real good.

And to the angels in human form that keep supporting this effort every year…remain blessed.

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