When HR Gets Laid Off…

by | Jul 21, 2020 | General | 1 comment

For the last 2 months, I have been engaged in restructuring projects, helping organisations reposition their organisation structure, processes and policies to withstand the pandemic and beyond. Yes, I love training, but my background is very analytical, I have very strong HR Consulting skills.

I was saddened to see that the companies I am consulting for also laid off my fellow HR colleagues. Forgive me, but I actually feel HR should be the last man standing or at least very close.

I mean, why hire a HR consultant to restructure your firm, when you have HR staff?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Last year, I wrote an article that went viral, it was titled ‘Money Follows Skills.’

On a personal level, my biggest concern this season and always is health, I have never been concerned about the recession or unemployment, Why? Because I realised that having knowledge and skills with good health is guaranteed income, even in a recession.

In 2002, I resigned from my second job as a Design Engineer with a renowned multinational. It was during a recession, so everyone thought I was crazy. Despite earning well above my peers, I wasn’t fulfilled, so I quit, going on a journey of self discovery for almost 2 years. I got job offers which I turned down, because I had saved up some money and I was pretty clear what I wanted. I also started doing some trade type business, selling handbags and hampers and even rice😎.

I got back to full time work in 2004, this time, to a more rewarding career in HR which lasted 5 years.

In 2009, I resigned again with no job in sight, again in a recession, again by choice. In the same year, with everything I had learned so far, I started using my knowledge and skills to create products and services, earning a decent living for myself. It wasn’t easy then, its not easy now but it is a viable option. The headache of entrepreneurship comes from responsibility not income as we all know that anyone who knows what they are doing will gain clients and get referrals which is how consulting works.

I learned through my career journey that income is earned on assets, and skills are an asset and so as much as possible, I have invested my time in acquiring skills and I urge as many people to do so.

It has been a terrible period this season but the reality is that the highly skilled will always have work, even if they are laid off by an employer that doesn’t know their value, they would soon be employed by another and worst case they would employ themselves.

Again, it saddens me when I see professionals not earning an income. I know it’s not easy, but believe when I say that knowledge and skills is what will help most in these tough times.

Please hone your skills. Skills are indeed the future of work.

No knowledge is ever lost, only gained and earning returns like all assets do.

Your thoughts?

If you are an HR Professional and are not satisfied with your current earnings or want to increase your earning potential, I want you to know that you can monetise your skills.

You have options. You can become a HR Consultant, start a HR Consulting business or augment your current income. Either way, you will learn something new and change the trajectory of your career forever.

Over 100 people were trained in April and May at our HR Bootcamp – Entrepreneur Edition.

You can still be part of this.

I will personally host a free Question and Answer session this Sunday for people who take the programme this week, I am happy to host another session next week too.

The courses available are:
1. Starting a Recruitment Consulting Business
2. Starting a Training and Seminar Consulting Business
3. Starting a Payroll Outsourcing Business
4. Starting a HR Outsourcing Business
5. Starting a HR Advisory Business
6. Starting a Coaching Business
7. Organisational Development and Consulting Skills

You can register today via www.kendorconsulting.com/entrepreneur

Once registered you can enrol yourself via www.kendorconsulting.com/courses and use the coupon code HRPRENEUR to get a 50% discount on all the Entrepreneur Edition HR courses.

All the very best.

Any questions, please send an email to info@kendorconsulting.com


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1 Comment

  1. Emmy Steven

    You have an amazing article, I followed all the way from Linkedin

    Just my two cents, your font size is a little bit small, if you make it a little bigger, it will be amazing.

    Thanks for sharing!
    My Regards!


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