Stay Safe and Stay Productive

by | Mar 28, 2020 | General | 0 comments

Stay Safe and Stay Productive

As employers tackle uncertainty and financial pressure at this time, very few firms will be considering the psychological impact of sudden change.

Very reactive decisions can be expected. Not the best but this is the reality of things. Survival instincts will kick in and lizard mode brain will be activated by default.

Remember, it’s not the strongest of the species that survive, but the most adaptable to change.

The organisations that will win will be the most agile, those who can change gears quickly.

The employees that can help them, will be the most skilled, the most versatile, those who can embrace the change as an adventure.

If this is not you, consider escaping your comfort zone at this time. As humans we are all capable of adapting.

This is not the time for slack, as slack behaviour will only lead to quicker lay-offs.

This is not the time to be slow and spend time over analysing and perfecting things.

This is the time to be prolific, to be productive.

This is the time to be creating, releasing and unleashing greatness.

This is the perfect time to reinvent yourself.

Please Stay Safe and Stay Productive, it’s the best way to be at this time.


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