On CVs and Biases

by | May 29, 2023 | career | 0 comments

I saw this information on a publicised CV. It comprised a personal data section declaring personal information.

Avoid information that can form the basis of unnecessary discrimination. Examples include, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion and even your name and address these days.

I know several people who have changed their names to middle names or shortened versions because of discrimination. I remember doing so myself early in my career. We have indeed come a long way since then but we are not there yet.

Yes, inclusion and authenticity is preached but we are promoting ideals in a very imperfect world, so better safe than sorry.

I hear some people say they rather not work in such places. Remember that even the best of humans have biases.

Don’t unknowingly fuel discrimination by creating an avenue to be discriminated against.

All the best in your job search.

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