Change Your Career eBook

by | Nov 11, 2020 | General | 0 comments


Just letting you know that the eBook of my award winning book is now available for instant download. I am giving it away with a free workbook and CV template. Hoping this will help anyone who needs to position themselves for the new year!

Which Best Describes You?

Do you want to start a new career and confused on how to begin?

Are you stuck in your present job/business and wish for your dream career?

Are you at crossroads and not sure what your next career move should be?

Imagine if you could:Start a new career and fulfil your career dreams?

Get your dream job quicker?

Switch careers without starting at the bottom or requiring a pay cut?

Your solution is here and you can join the multitudes who have benefited from the insights shared.

Change Your Career is an award winning self-help book for anyone who seriously wants to change their career quickly and successfully. Each chapter has a task that helps you articulate your next steps and actions plans.

This book reveals 10 proven strategies to help you:

  • Start your career journey on the right-footing by beginning with a compelling career vision.
  • Gain leverage by understanding and identifying your transferable skills.
  • Determine any skills gap you may have and identify the required training and development needs.
  • Consider all the options available to quicken the realisation of your career goals.
  • Prepare for any financial impact that could result from your decision to make a career change.
  • Explore networking opportunities that will connect you with the right people to help you realise your desired career change.

Buy now and get an instant eBook download with a FREE printable Workbook and CV Template to jumpstart your career change. Three for the price of One. This book is also available world wide via Amazon 

Buy Now via this link:

Change Your Career eBook plus Workbook and CV Template

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