Remote Work

Remote Work

Most employees prefer to work remotely; either fully remote or hybrid (Gallup, 2022). Are you surprised? Reasons cited are mainly for better work-life balance, efficiency and autonomy. Wide-spread adoption of remote work which started as a response to COVID-19 crisis...
Is Talent Overrated?

Is Talent Overrated?

I used to be a very good dancer. Today, I couldn’t dance to save my life. I also used to have really full hair. Now, it’s really tough explaining to people where my daughter gets her long hair from, because, quite frankly, I have no evidence of my past...
Virtual Interview Etiquette

Virtual Interview Etiquette

Many opt for virtual interviews because it’s convenient. I recently interviewed someone who sat in a toilet. It may have been the only quiet place they could find, hence the choice, but with advanced preparation they could have found a better location than a...
HR Bootcamp Part 7

HR Bootcamp Part 7

Spoiler Alert: Only proceed after reading the first 6 parts of this series, else you would be reading the end first and miss out on the build up. Some important updates since 2009: Lola Esan is now a partner at EY. All the speakers are now at the pinnacle of their...
Choosing The Wrong Career

Choosing The Wrong Career

So many people are in the wrong jobs. Most of us start with good career intentions but sometimes even the best laid plans end in disappointment. So how do you know if you made the wrong choice or are simply in need of a change? There are a few signs that indicate...