I Tried ChatGPT

I Tried ChatGPT

Chat GPT reminds me of those people you ask for directions that aren’t sure, but in their bid to be helpful, they confidently lead you in the wrong direction.Ever happened to you? My husband always wonders why they can’t just politely say they don’t...
Maintaining Credibility With Your Management

Maintaining Credibility With Your Management

HR professionals, the surest way to lose credibility with your management is by making uninformed decision at critical times. I remember goofing once in my career, when I told my CEO that ‘staff were not happy’ and he responded, ‘which staff?’...
Could Term-Time Working Be The Next Big Thing?

Could Term-Time Working Be The Next Big Thing?

Could term-time working be the next big thing? Flexible work arrangements (FWA) generally refer to employment practices that allow workers flexibility inhow they perform their tasks. The key benefit is that they allow flexibility to schedule priorities in one’s...
On CVs and Biases

On CVs and Biases

I saw this information on a publicised CV. It comprised a personal data section declaring personal information. Avoid information that can form the basis of unnecessary discrimination. Examples include, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion and even your name...
My Doctoral Pilot Study

My Doctoral Pilot Study

Today, I received the results for my doctoral programme pilot study and so happy to have passed. Many people may not know that I am a full time research scholar. Yes, in addition to all my other duties; leading a team at work, being a wife and mother to young children...